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Song 7.10 (Yasna 34.10)

`,mLbvrvg ,TacOaW ,AnaqOayK `,OhManam ,SuVhMaW ,Ayha

`,AyhaCa ,mLqih ,lwdIW ,mImLd `,mItiamarA ,AcmLtNvps

.,ArqayOW ,A ,iOrqaSx ,Adzam ,ImhaBq `,Aruha ,ApsIW ,AcAt

Transliterated Text:

ahyâ vanghêush mananghô shyaothanâ
vaocat gerebãm huxratush
speñtãmcâ âramaitîm
dãmîm vîdvå haithãm ashahyâ
tâcâ vîspâ ahurâ
thwahmî mazdâ xshathrôi â vôyathrâ.

Translated Text:

The person of good intellect says
that the deeds of good mind must be maintained.
He knows that progressive serenity
is the true product of righteousness.
All these, Lord Wise,
are means of promotion in Your dominion.


A wise person holds that one should maintain deeds done with the good mind, because he knows that progressive serenity and growing stability is the right result of proper procedure. These deeds promote the divine dominion [chosen and established by righteous people].

Pondering Point:

“Good deeds increase stability and promote good order.”

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