Song 7.2 (Yasna 34.2)
`,Etiacah ,ACa ,Awru ,Ayhe% `,AnqOayK ,Svrvn ,AcAyFatNvps
.,mLtUts ,SIbOrag ,Adzam ,EmhaW `,OtawAmSx ,EqEag,iriap
Transliterated Text:
atcâ î-tôi mananghâ
mainyushcâ vanghêush vîspâ dâtâ
speñtaxyâcâ neresh shyaothanâ
ýehyâ urvâ ashâ hacaitê
pairigaêthê xshmâvatô
vahmê mazdâ garôbîsh stûtãm.
Translated Text:
Moreover, all these offerings are made to You alone
through thoughts of good mind
and actions of a progressive man,
whose soul is in accord with righteousness.
Wise One, he goes singing everywhere
songs of glory and praise for You.
The offerings of all the achievements of Zarathushtra are made to Mazda alone. No one else. They are made through good thoughts and actions by a person who is progressive, not statically traditional, a person whose soul, self, is in harmony with truth. He sings his songs—the Gathas—praises for Ahura and guidance for mankind.
Pondering Point:
“Praise and celebration of Lord Wisdom should stem from good thoughts and good actions.”