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Song 7.3 (Yasna 34.3)

`,AmAd ,AciACa ,AhMamvn `,Aruha ,mvdzaym ,iOt ,Ta

`,AhManam ,A!Oarq ,UhoW ,l% `,iOrqaSx,A ,lpsIW ,lqEag

.,Owas ,UsawAmSx ,Adzam ,SiApsIW `,OhMlduh ,Iz ,iOrA

Transliterated Text:

at tôi myazdem ahurâ
nemanghâ ashâicâ dâmâ
gaêthå vîspå â xshathrôi
ýå vohû thraoshtâ mananghâ
ârôi zî hudånghô
vîspâish mazdâ xshmâvasû savô.

Translated Text:

Therefore, we make a humble offering
to You and to Righteousness.
The living beings in Your dominion
are those who promote good mind.
Indeed, it is in the rise of a beneficent person,
Wise One, that there lies gain for all those belonging to You.


The offering of veneration, words and deeds—a solemn dedication to serve the Creator and the creation—are made by Zarathushtra and companions. True living persons in the divine dominion are those who promote good mind to acquire useful knowledge. Feeling a rise, a surge in himself because of the dedication, Zarathushtra foresees the gain awaiting the dedicated to Mazda.

Pondering Point:

“Dedication to serve has its own clear rewards.”

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