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Song 7.4 (Yasna 41.4)

,uAyAgvrad ,Ihanvfar ,ImhaBq ,Aruha ,Adzam ,AcAmEaz ,AcAmEanah

`,Amayub ,AcsatNawamV ,ABq ,AcASEa

.,AmvtsAduh ,mLtAh ,AcAtSu ,Acmvgvrad ,Vn ,Ut ,AcSiOpar

Transliterated Text:

hanaêmâchâ zaêmâchâ mazdâ ahurâ
thwahmî rafenahî daregâyâu
aêshâchâ thwâ êmavañtaschâ buyamâ
rapôishchâ tû nê daregemchâ ushtâchâ hâtãm hudâstemâ.

Translated Text:

May we earn, may we gain, Wise Lord,
a long life by Your grace!
May we be active and strong through You!
Support us long and clearly,
O Most Beneficent of the living!


The only boons asked and rewards requested are to have a long, active life of service. The prayerful want to feel more confident in the divine beneficent support in order to continue their mission.

Pondering Point:

“A long and happy life enables you to better serve existence and enjoy it”

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