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Song 7.5 (Yasna 34.5)

`,Imxah ,AW ,Aqa% ,Adzam ,iAnqOayK `,SI!I ,Ak ,mvrqaSx ,VW ,Tak

`,mvkAmSU% ,mUgird ,iAydiOyArq `,AhManam ,UhoW ,ACa

.,AcSiAyCam ,SiArtsfarx ,AcSiAwEad `,AmvxOaW* ,SiApsIW ,lW,Vrap

Transliterated Text:

kat vê xshathrem kâ îshtîsh
shyaothanâi mazdâ ýathâ vâ haxmî
ashâ vohû mananghâ
thrâyôidyâi drigûm ýûshmâkem
parê-vå vîspâish parê vaoxemâ
daêvâishcâ xrafstrâish mashyâishcâ.

Translated Text:

What is Your dominion, what is Your power,
Wise One, for us to follow in action
through righteousness and good mind
in order to protect the oppressed person of Yours?
For You, we have renounced
all the false gods and the barbarian people.


Zarathushtra is seeking to know the divine dominion and power so that one acts according to the universal law of precision and good mind and provide a social order in which those oppressed and deprived of their rights are protected and rehabilitated. Zarathushtra and his companions have renounced all false gods and the cruel people whose superstitious cult is the cause of all exploitation and oppression.

Pondering Point:

“Renounce flawed beliefs and malicious people in favor of the way of thinking which comes from understanding the order of existence.”

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