Song 7.9 (Yasna 34.9)
`,OhManam ,Itsiwv ,SuVhMaW `,Tazazawa ,AnqOayK,Sud
.,Artsfarx ,Anurua ,Tamha ,Tawa% `,Tadzays ,ACa ,Sam ,OybiEa
Transliterated Text:
ýôi speñtãm âramaitîm
thwahyâ mazdâ berexdhãm vîdushô
dush-shyaothanâ avazazat
vanghêush evistî mananghô
aêibyô mash ashâ syazdat
ýavat ahmat aurunâ xrafstrâ.
Translated Text:
Wise One, he forsakes progressive serenity,
esteemed by your wise one,
with his evil deeds solely
because of his lack of good mind.
He avoids them much on account of their righteousness,
just as the disheveled barbarians keep far from us.
Progressive serenity and stability is valued by the wise one who is devoted to Mazda, but the person lacking good mind forsakes serenity because of his evil actions. Just as uncivilized people shun our company, such a person would avoid good people because of their righteousness.
Pondering Point:
“The wrongful flee from the good mind and right-mindedness and, as such, will be kept far away from the Laws of Existence.”