Song 8.10 (Yasna 43.10)
`,mvrA ,TI ,Onmicah `,ItiamarA
`,A!rap ,AmhV ,iOt ,A% `,ln ,AcAsvrvp
`,mLtawamV ,Tat ,Anaqa% `,ABq ,Iz ,mV!rap
.,mvtNawamV ,TAyd ,mvSEa `,SLyaSx ,ABq ,Tayh
Transliterated Text:
at tû môi dâish ashem hyat mâ zaozaomî
âramaitî hacimnô ît ârem
peresâcâ nå ýâ tôi êhmâ parshtâ
parshtêm zî thwâ ýathanâ tat êmavatãm
hyat thwâ xshayãsh aêshem dyât êmavañtem.
Translated Text:
So, show me righteousness which I continue to invoke.
I am well accompanied by serenity.
Ask us what we want to ask you.
An inquiry by you amounts to an inquiry by the strong,
because the Ruler makes one strong and powerful through you (the enlightenment).
Praising and adhering to righteousness, Zarathushtra wants to see more about it. His adherence to righteousness has given him serenity and stability. In his search and research, he wants to know what is the divine will, the will of the Ruler-at-will (see stanza 8.8). The knowledge of the divine will, gained through enlightenment to which Zarathushtra is directing his searching questions, certainly makes him feel more strong and enlightened.
Pondering Point:
“Ahura Mazda made you to be powerful and strong.”