Song 8.5 (Yasna 43.5)
`mIwruOap ,mvsvrad ,iOqLz `,SuVhMa ,ABq ,Tayh
`,ADxu ,AcA% ,nLwadZIm `,AnaqOayK ,ld ,Tayh
`,EwOahMaW ,mICa ,mIhuMaW `,iAka ,mVka
.,EmVpa ,EsEawru ,SiOmAd `,Aranuh ,ABq
Transliterated Text:
speñtem at thwâ mazdâ mêñghî ahurâ
hyat thwâ anghêush zãthôi daresem paourvîm
hyat då shyaothanâ mîzhdavãn ýâcâ uxdhâ
akêm akâi vanguhîm ashîm vanghaovê
thwâ hunarâ dâmôish urvaêsê apêmê.
Translated Text:
I realized You, Wise Lord, to be progressive
when I saw You at the birth of life,
and found that You have ordained
that actions and words should have consequences:
bad for the bad, and good for the good.
It shall be so through You excellence
until the final turn of the creation.
Zarathushtra now relates his enlightenment experiences in the following stanzas of the song: He realizes Mazda to be progressive because he sees full justice in the divine action. It begins with the birth of life. Thoughts when turned into words and deeds have their consequences. Bad brings bad and good brings good consequences. This law shall last through divine excellence until the final turn of creation for the ultimate goal.
Pondering Point:
“In his vision, Zarathushtra saw Ahura Mazda as the first thing at the birth of existence, establishing the ultimate consequences for good and evil.”