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Song 9.10 (Yasna 44.10)

`,Aruha ,AcOaW ,iOm,Svrv `,Asvrvp ,ABq ,Tat

`,A!ihaW ,mLtAh ,A% `,mLnEad ,mLt

`,AnmVcah ,TiOdArf ,ACa `,lqEag ,iOm,A%

`,Taydiad ,Svrv ,AnqOayK ,SiADxu `,SiOtamarA

.,Adzam ,nVsu ,SI!I ,ABq `,SiOtsic ,lyFam

Transliterated Text:

tat thwâ peresâ eresh-môi vaocâ ahurâ
tãm daênãm ýâ hâtãm vahishtâ
ýâ-môi gaêthå ashâ frâdôit hacêmnâ
âramatôish uxdhâish shyaothanâ eresh daidyat
max'yå cistôish thwâ îshtîsh usên mazdâ.

Translated Text:

This I ask You, tell me truly, Lord.
That religion is the best for the living
which promotes the world through righteousness,
and polishes words and actions in serenity.
Therefore, the yearnings of my mind are for You, Wise One.


Zarathushtra wishes to know as to which religion is the best for mankind—Is it the one which promotes the world through righteousness? Is it the one which improves words and deeds in a serene and tranquil atmosphere?—YES. It being so, he then dedicates all his thoughts—ideals—to Mazda, because he has the best religion—the true way of life in mind and matter.

Pondering Point:

“True religion is progress in thoughts, words, and deeds.”

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