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Song 9.15 (Yasna 44.15)

`,Aruha ,AcOaW ,iOm,Svrv `,Asvrvp ,ABq ,Tat

`,IheyaSx ,Tam ,iOp ,ACa `,Ayha ,Ize%

`,EtEamaj ,AhMacOana `,AdAps ,mVh ,Tayh

`,OZvrvdId ,Adzam ,Ut,A% `,SiAtAwru ,SiAwa

.,ldad ,mLnanaW ,iAmhak `,lya ,Arquk

Transliterated Text:

tat thwâ peresâ eresh môi vaocâ ahurâ
ýezî ahyâ ashâ pôi mat xshayehî
hyat hêm spâdâ anaocanghâ jamaêtê
avâish urvâtâish ýâ-tû mazdâ dîderezhô
kuthrâ ayå kahmâi vananãm dadå.

Translated Text:

This I ask You, tell me truly, Lord.
If You rule this world through righteousness,
then when the two opposing teams come together,
keeping in view the rules which You, Wise One, have ordained,
where and to which of the two, will You grant victory?


This question, too, has a clear answer: Ahura rules the world through the principle of preciseness. When the two parties, the righteous and the wrongful, come face to face in life, the victory of winning the other side over goes to the righteous.

Pondering Point:

“In the end, the Righteous laws of existence will vanquish the Lie”

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