Song 9.3 (Yasna 44.3)
`,Oyuruop ,AyhaCa ,Atap `,AqLz ,Ansak
`,mvnAwda ,TAd ,AcmVrats `,gNVX ,Ansak
`,TaBq ,Itiasfvrvn ,ItieySxu `,lm ,A% ,Vk
.,EyudIW ,AcAyna ,ImvsaW `,Adzam ,TicAt
Transliterated Text:
tat thwâ peresâ eresh-môi vaocâ ahurâ
kasnâ zăthâ patâ ashahyâ pouruyô
kasnâ xvęńg staręmcâ dât advânem
kę ýâ mĺ uxshyeitî nerefsaitî thwat
tâcît mazdâ vasemî anyâcâ vîduyę.
Translated Text:
This I ask You, tell me truly, Lord.
Who is the foremost creator and parent of righteousness?
Who made the sun and the stars in their paths?
Who makes the moon wax and wane?
I am, Wise One, eager to know all this and more.
Zarathushtra wants to be fully enlightened; he asks, “Who is the originator of the universal law of precision? Who has fixed the paths for the sun and the stars. How do the moon phases change within the month?” All these questions show he had a good knowledge of astronomical science and yet was seeking to know more—a science which made him realize the continuous creative and sustenance aspects of God.
Pondering Point:
“Pursuit of knowledge must never stop in order to stay progressive and evolve with the passage of time.”