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NOTE: The second collection of four songs is called Ushtavaiti, possessing Ushtâ, the first word of the first song. Ushtâ, mentioned eight times in the Gathas and many more times in the Later Avesta, carries a subtle meaning. Derived from ush ‘to shine’, it carries a notion of “health and happiness” that is radiated around to make others healthy and happy. It is used as a “hailing” salute also—Ushtâ! ‘Hail!’; Ushtâ tê ‘ushtâ to thee’; Ushta nô ‘ushtâ to us!’

Ushtavaiti Gâthâ


NOTE: The second collection of four songs is called Ushtavaiti, possessing Ushtâ, the first word of the first song. Ushtâ, mentioned eight times in the Gathas and many more times in the Later Avesta, carries a subtle meaning. Derived from ush ‘to shine’, it carries a notion of “health and happiness” that is radiated around to make others healthy and happy. It is used as a “hailing” salute also—Ushtâ! ‘Hail!’; Ushtâ tê ‘ushtâ to thee’; Ushta nô ‘ushtâ to us!’

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