Song 13.8 (Yasna 48.8)
`,Aruha ,Oybiam ,lyFaBq `,SiOCa ,iOt,Ak
`,AyKi ,gNVrdvra ,lkA `,ACa ,iOBq,Ak
.,Orawaj ,mLnanqOayK `,SuVynam ,SuVhMaW
Transliterated Text:
kâ tôi vanghêush mazdâ xshathrahyâ îshtish
kâ tôi ashôish thwah'yå maibyô ahurâ
kâ thwôi ashâ âkå aredrêñg ishyâ
vanghêush manyêush shyaothananãm javarô.
Translated Text:
Wise One, what is the strength of Your sovereignty?
What is Your reward for my people?
What is Your desired manifestations for the devotees
who are promoters of good mentality's actions?
Zarathushtra begins, from this stanza, asking questions that highlight his promoting program. He looks at the Divine Power governing the world and the reward his people will get by serving the world. He envisions the rightful results of the creative and promoting actions of the dedicated who are led by the progressive mentality.
Pondering Point:
“By the empowering strength of Divine sovereignty, humanity can envision and enact a new world, an ideal existence for all the living.”