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Song 2.7 (Yasna 29.7)

`,OSOazah ,ACa ,TaSat ,mvrqLm `,Oruha ,SiOtUzA ,mVt

`,AyansAs ,OtNvps ,OybiEaSuru ,Owh `,AcmvdIwSx ,iOwag ,ldzam

.,OybiEatvram ,AwAvV ,TAyAd ,I,V% `,AhManam ,UhoW ,Etsak

Transliterated Text:

têm âzûtôish ahurô mãthrem
tashat ashâ hazaoshô
mazdå gavôi xshvîdemcâ
hvô urushaêibyô speñtô sâsnayâ,
kastê vohû mananghâ
ýê î dâyât êeâvâ maretaêibyô.

Translated Text:

The Wise Lord, of one accord with Righteousness,
prepared His thought-provoking message
in response to the sweet plea made by the World,
because with His doctrine, He is the promoter
for those who wish to be protected.
He asked: Good Mind, do you know any person
who can help the mortals?


Acting according to the Universal Law of Righteousness, God prepares the formula of redeeming the distressed. Since this requires thorough thinking, God turns to the Good Mind, another divine Principle of Life, and asks if it knows a person who could help.

Pondering Point:

“The Universal Law alone is not enough. The Good Mind is also essential for knowing how to act in the right way.”

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