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Song 3.2 (Yasna 37.2)

,mLnansa% ,Ta ,mVt ,AcSiAhMapawah ,AcAnVzam ,AcArqaSx ,Ayha

.,ItNieyK ,Acah ,SuVg ,iO% ,Ediamaza% ,AtAtawruap

Transliterated Text:

ahyâ xshathrâchâ mazênâchâ
havapanghâishchâ têm at
ýasnanãm paurvatâtâ ýazamaidê
ýôi gêush hachâ shyeiñtî.

Translated Text:

Through His power, greatness,
And skills, Him now
We venerate........
With the choice of praises,
(We, who live peacefully
in company of the living world.)


They venerate God with the best of their praises for the Divine power and skill. They thank God for the peaceful life they enjoy in the living world.

Note: Dr Jafarey has ‘........’ in the middle of this translation. I initially thought he was leaving a word untranslated, but all words are accounted for. This is either for poetic effect, on his end, or he was proposing a missing word in this stanza. – Caleb Goodfellow

Pondering Point:

“We praise Ahura Mazda for his power and greatness as we can enjoy a peaceful life in the living world.”

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