Song 3.4 (Yasna 37.4)
,mvCvma ,mvtNvps ,Tayh ,mvtSEars ,Tayh ,Ediamaza% ,mvtSihaW ,Ta ,mvCa
.,UhoW ,ApsIW ,Tayh ,TawhMNOcOar ,Tayh
.,UhoW ,ApsIW ,Tayh ,TawhMNOcOar ,Tayh
Transliterated Text:
ashem at vahishtem
ýazamaidê hyat sraêshtem
hyat speñtem [hyat] ameshem
hyat raocôñnghvat hyat vîspâ vohû.
Translated Text:
The Best righteousness
We venerate, which is the sublimest,
The incremental, the eternal,
The luminous, all good.
Next, they praise the best righteousness (Asha), the Universal Law of Precision. It is the sublimest, progressive, eternal, bright, and, in fact, all goodness.
Pondering Point:
“The fundamental laws which order existence were created to be eternal, wholly good, and to iterate towards the best.”