Song 9.13 (Yasna 44.13)
`,AmASAn* ,A ,Tamha ,SIn `,mvjurd ,Aqak
`,OhMlnvrvp ,SiO!ursa ,iO% `,Awa ,A,gNVt
`,AnmVcah ,ItNieywIdA `,AyhaCa ,TiOn
.,OhManam ,VranxAc ,SuVhMaW `,Ayasarf ,TiOn
Transliterated Text:
tat thwâ peresâ eresh-môi vaocâ ahurâ
kathâ drujem nîsh ahmat â nîsh nâshâmâ
têñg-â avâ ýôi asrushtôish perenånghô
nôit ashahyâ âdîvyeiñtî hacêmnâ
nôit frasayâ vanghêush câxnarê mananghô.
Translated Text:
This I ask You, tell me truly, Lord.
How shall we thoroughly remove wrong from us,
and keep away from those who are full of disobedience,
who do not seek to care for and unite with righteousness,
and who do not delight in communion with good mind?
Zarathushtra goes further after recognizing the wrong and wants to concentrate on how to remove wrongness, as well as the wrong amidst the people he is conferring with. He wants to keep away from those who violate the Principles of Life and who do utilize their good mind and are driven by their thoughtless emotions.
Pondering Point:
"Do not seek kinship with those who scorn righteousness and the good mind"